
Сообщения за октябрь, 2023

Amir sayid kulol

 Hi everyone 😍today was our second practical day🌸today we went to the Amir said kulol ensemble😊i learned a lot of information about this place🥰now I give some Information about this place ❣️ Haj Sayyid Amir Kulal was born in 1287 in the village of Sukhor near Bukhara (now Kagan district of Bukhara region). He was engaged in pottery, and he was considered a patron of all potters in Central Asia. Kulal (“potter”) is one of the spiritual authorities and the sheikh of the Sufi school Hadzhagana. Sheikh Sayyid Amir Kulal in accordance with the tradition of Hadzhagana had 4 deputies and 114 followers. In his youth, Amir Kulal was fond of wrestling and spent time in competitions. At that time,the famous Sheikh Muhammad BabaiSammasi noticed him. Amir Kulal became his murid, and later he became the fourth deputy. ShaykhBabaySammashi entrusted to Amir Kulalthe upbringing of his “spiritual son” BahaaddinNaqshband. Haj Sayyid Amir Kulal introduced Bahaaddin to the rules and concepts of the mys

Nogai caravan

Hi my dear🥰how are you ? What are you doing now? You know that today was our first practical day😍That’s why we went to the Nogai caravanserai. Our practical teacher is dilnoza olimovna. She was kind and said a lot of Information about this place☺️ Now I want to talk about Information about this place. Nogay caravanserai is located in the western part of Sarrofon. It was built in 19 century.It was belonged Qulbobo Kukaldosh.According to the Information merchants worked on 1 floor and cloaks worked 2 floor. But 2 floor was demolished because of gazli earthquake. By the way, in this place I saw many antique things😍and our today’s practical day is over.