My second practical day

 Hi everybody 😊Today our second practical day.And we should go to the zindan.Firstly we gathered to the ark .

Then our teacher Sabina Sharipovna checked our diary .We went to the Zindan🙃 .I learned many information from today practical day 🥰.
Zindan is the prison of Bukhara emirs. In Bukhara there were two prison .One was the inside the fortress of ark and second was the near shahristan.Shahristan Zindan was built second half of 18 century . It is located the the north west of Bukhara .
One thing I learned that from our practical day . I didn’t know about it before.In Bukhara zindan prisoners who had debt and didn’t religious exercise practice.The terrible thing that scorpions and poisonous beetles were prepared them😰In such condition they could live about 3 days😓.
Thus , I knew many data about Zindan.That’s why thanks my teacher Sabina Sharipovna 🥰She taught us many things.And today was my unforgettable day 🥰


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