Minorai kalon

 Hi my dear 🥰how are you😊today we visited Minarai Kalon😍

Kalon means Great in Tajik language.It is part of beautiful ensemble of Poi kalon.It is located in eastern part of Bukhara.It was built in 1127 by Arslankhan.The diameter is 9 m bottom and 6 m top.The height of this minaret is 46.5. It has 14 ornamental bands and also it has 105 inner stair.

The main purpose is minaret is call people for the prayer.But it was used as an execution tool for the condemned.That’s why this minaret sometimes called the tower of death.In the past this minaret also used to call people and announce the information of the rulers.

This building was built by usta Baqo .
And also this minaret was reconstructed several times.For example,in 1920
10 bolshevik was damaged minaret . This building reconstructed in 1924. In addition this minaret was included in unesco world heritage list.


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