
Сообщения за ноябрь, 2023

Palace of emir

Hi my dear😍today was our practical day🥰today we went to the place of emir in Bukhara 🥰I knew many information about this place ☺️ The Palace of the Emir of Bukhara is a palace located 12 kilometers east of Bukhara . The city where this palace was built was called New Bukhara in the years of its construction, and in 1935 it was called Kogon . The construction of the palace began in New Bukhara on August 14, 1895 by order of Amir Syed Abdulahad Khan, and was built in 1898. The designer of the palace was Alexey Leontyevich Benois, the engineer Dubrovin was in charge of the construction, Bukhara and Russian craftsmen built the building. And our practical day is over 😊good bye my dear ❣️

Xoja ismat

Hi my dear☺️how are you 😁today we went to the xoja ismat mausoleum 🥰I learned many information about this place😊now I want to talk about it 😇he was born in 14 century.He studied in Bukhara😌he lived in Samarkand during the reign of Mirzo Ulugbek and xalil sultan.Navoi wrote majolis Un Nafois to xoja ismatulloh.He has perfected the knowledge of zahir .Due to his excellent poetry his poetry became famous☺️

Juybor madrasah

Hi everyone 😍how are you what are you doing now😊today we went to the juybor madrasah☺️now I want to talk information about this place 😊 One of the first historical monuments of Bukhara, "Juybori Kalon" madrasa, started its activity as a women's madrasa, taking into account that women and girls also acquire religious and secular sciences and contribute to the development of the spiritual and educational sphere of our country. Various information about the emergence of this madrasa has been collected and researched. In the second half of the 17th century, in the period of Subhankuli Khan, more precisely, in 1670-1671, the madrasa was opened and started operating under the same name, which was built with the funds of the inherited property of the granddaughter of Khoja Sa'duddin ibn Khoja Islam, daughter of Khoja Abdurrahim Joybor, Oiposhsha Bibi.       "Juybor" refers to the lineage of Oyposhsha's aunt and means "high-ranking", "high-rank

Sayfiddin caravanserai

 Hi my dear 😍today was our practical day☺️today we went to the sayfiddn Caravanserai. Now I want to talk about this place 😌 Even in the distant past handicraft and trade were the main sources of state revenues. Trade and economic relations are constantly evolving. Along with the eastern bazaars and shops, caravan trade was most popular. Long caravans overcame long distances, carrying silks, jewelry, carpets, china, spices and other popular goods. An uneasy journey through the exhausting desert wore out the traders and their pack animals. They needed rest and lodging. One of such specialized places was Sayfiddin’s Caravanserai in Bukhara, built in the XIX century. Caravanserais served as a kind of parking and a shelter for wandering merchants, a place for rest and lodging, the likeness of a modern hotel or motel. Inside, travelers could store their goods in special storage rooms, feed animals in designated pens, have a snack in a teahouse or take a bath. Another special place in a car


 Hi everyone 🤍 today was our second practical day . That’s why we went to the art gallery❤️ now I want to talk information about this place😍 The building was constructed in 1912 by the local masters Hoji Abdurahim Hayatov and Abdugafur Karaulbegi under the guidance of the Russian engineers Margulis and Sakovich. The first floor of the building housed Savva Morozov's shop. On the second floor there was the branch of the Azov-Donskoy bank.  Since 1982, the building has been a place for remarkable fine arts collection. The museum consists of the following exhibitions: The "Painting and Graphics" exhibition was established on the basis of painting, graphics, and sculpture collections. The exhibition is represented by the works of the Russian artists P. Benkov, Kurzin, and Vilkovir, who visited Central Asia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It also displays the miniature paintings by Ahmad Donish, the famous Bukharan educator, artist, philosopher, writer and calligr


 Hi my dear❣️ today was our practical day🤍today we went to the ark❣️I learned many information about this place🤍 Over the years Bukhara has been sieged many times. This caused the continuous cycle of destruction and rebuilding. Since the takeover by the Red Army the Ark has not been restored to its original functions, and much of it lies in ruins. The remaining living quarters are now used as museums displaying the history of the Ark. Also located within the Ark, are exhibits of nearby archaeological sites of former Silk Road trading centres, the original Coronation Court, and the remains of the royal apartments.  This spectacular fortress is the oldest structure in Bukhara, dating all the way back to the 5th century. Since then, it was inhabited by various peoples up until the invasion of the Red Army in 1920. Prior to the invasion, the Ark was inhabited by over 3,000 people. It was mainly known as the residences for the Bukharan emirs, but also housed appointed officials, poets and

Gavkushon madrasah

 Hi my dear.🤍how are you .you know that today was our second practical day❣️That’s why we went to the gavkushon madrasah 😊today’s weather was cool 🥰 Now I want to talk Information about gavkushon madrasah. The name Gaukushan means "killing bulls" as the site was previously home to an animal trading area. The complex includes a  madrassa  and a mosque with a tall and wide minaret, equal in width to the Khoja Kalon minaret, but shorter. The complex was built in 1570 during the reign of the Uzbek Khan Abdullah 2. Buildings in the Gaukushoon Square were built with the money of Sheikh Hoja Said, known under the nickname "Khodja Kalon" ("great hoja"), which is reflected in the name of the mosque and the whole complex. In 1598, from the north of the madrasah, a Friday mosque, called the Hoja Mosque, was built. Khodja Kalon is buried in the family necropolis of the Djuibar Sheikhs in Chor Bakr. And our practical day is over 😍good bye my dears❤️

Bahouddin naqshband

Hi my dear❣️how are you ? Today was our third practical day. Today we went to the bahouddin naqshband❤️I learned many information about this.🌸 Muhammad ibn Muhammad Bahouddin Naqshbandi al-Bukhari (also known as Khoja Bahouddin Balogardon, Khojai Buzruk, Shokhi Naqshband) is a prominent saint (avlie) and the founder of the Naqshbandiya Order. He was born and died in Kasri Khinduvon village near Kagan (1318-1389) which later was re-named for Kasri Orifon in honor of Bahouddin Naqshbandi. He made hadj to Mecca twice. His biography is almost unknown because he prohibited his disciples to chronicle his life and activity. He was thought to be Seyid – a direct descendant of Prophet Mohammed. He was born in a craftsman’s family. His father was a weaver and chaser (Naqshband). But it was his grandfather who played an important role in his life. He was well familiar with Sufis and paid much attention to the religious sciences. Bahouddin Naqshbandi was taught by famous counselors of that time.