Chor bakr

 Hi my dear ☺️how are you🌝what are you doing now? You know that today was our practical day😍That’s why today we went to the Chor bakr madrasah🤍When I go there I learned a lot of information about that place🥰

The unique Chor-Bakr Memorial Complex (‘memorial complex of four brothers’) is located at a distance of five kilometers southwest of Bukhara in the village of Sumitan. They began building it during the reign of the Samanids as long ago as the 16th c. It is also called Town of the Dead, and it is a UNESCO World Heritage site. At the end of the 16th с Bukhara ruler Abdullah-Khan ordered that a madrasah, a mosque and a khanaka be built in the center of the necropolis, which meant to be a present for the Juybari dynasty. These three buildings form a large yard or even a square. They make up a beautifully integrated and harmonious architectural ensemble. The facades of the khanaka and the mosque are large portals with archways. Their side walls have two-tier loggias, which was not quite typical of such buildings. At the beginning of the 20th с they built a moderate size minaret at the open part of the yard - a replica of Kalyan Minaret in Bukhara.

This information is given by Aziza madina amira . Overall, I liked today’s practical day🥰and those places were so beautiful 💕


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