Chor minor

Hi my dear 🤍how are you? You know that today was our practical day 🫠Today we visited to the Chor minor 

now I want to talk information about that place 🥰

East of the Old Town, one block north of M Ambar, is the Chor Minor, a stubby, brick-built structure with four turquoise domes. The Chor Minor (Four Minarets in Tajik) is one of the most charming and quirky buildings in Bukhara, all the more surprising because, built in 1807, it dates from a period of suffocating cultural stagnation. Photogenic little Chor Minar, in a maze of alleys between Pushkin and Hoja Nurabad, bears more relation to Indian styles than to anything Bukharan. The building, resembling an upside-down chair thrust deep into the ground, is merely the darvazakhana gatehouse of a madrassah (90 by 40 metres) built by the rich Turkmen merchant Khalif Niyazkul. If you view the building from the south you are standing in the madrassah courtyard with its former summer mosque to your left and hauz to your right. The only remains of the madrassah lie crumbling to the sides of the Chor Minor.

To sum up, our practical day passed so productive 🤍


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